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USA v. OSHO: A Legal History of the US Government Persecution of a Minority Religious Community, Oregon 1981-1986




The Book presents incontrovertible documentation and the applicable law proving the US Government’s illegal program to get Osho out of the US and destroy his Community in Central Oregon.  The Book proves that the federal government misused the immigration laws, that the State of Oregon misused the constitutional requirement of the separation of Church and State and the RICO statutes, and that an Oregon land use “watchdog” group misused the Oregon land use laws. All in a pervasive atmosphere of bias and hostility.


This Book provides clear summaries at the beginning of each Part, chapter and discussion of major issues. Note well, however, that the Book is a detailed presentation and analysis of the applicable law and evidence, not a popular history


This Book identifies Key Documents discussed in the text, which are available on this site. This Book is further supported by an Archive of over 1700 relevant documents which is also available on this site. The Archive and Key Documents are available on this site without any purchase. Simply click on the menu bar above.  


If you purchase the paperback book, you receive access to the downloadable e-book at no additional cost. When purchasing, please make sure your address is complete, including any apartment/unit number. We can't ship without a complete address. If you are purchasing the paperback with International shipping please use the "Contact us" form and send us your phone number after your complete the purchase checkout. 


Notice to print book buyers from EU: We can no longer ship the print book into the EU. The EU has imposed a VAT (value added tax) to imports. It is intended to make it simpler for large sellers, but imposes an impossible burden on a small, occasional seller. It has imposed collection on the seller which requires registration with an intermediary etc. etc. We just can't do it. So sorry. If anybody has an idea of a way around or through this, we would be happy to hear about it.



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Niren has been a lawyer for almost 50 years, a daily meditator for over 40 years, and a mediator and coach for over 20 years. Niren was Osho’s personal attorney from 1981 to 1990 and was appointed by Osho as his personal ambassador to the United States. Niren lives in NW Washington State about a mile outside of a small town. From big firm lawyer, Niren has come to a very quiet life in nature, meditating, writing, teaching awareness practices and sharing Osho’s vision.

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Click here to access the Archive documents.


The Archive contains relevant documents in the following categories: 1) court papers, including appellate and trial court decisions, pleadings and motion papers, hearing and deposition transcripts; 2) administrative proceedings, including memoranda, reports and decisions; 3) correspondence among attorneys; 4) law review articles; 5) press articles and other media reports, and; 6) other relevant documents such as advertisements and public statements.


Some information to assist with access to the documents in the Archive: The Archive is organized with a folder/subfolder system with descriptive titles. The top-level folders are named according to the major cases. Sub folders, sub-sub folders, etc. are given abbreviated titles and are organized by subject, for example, by court cases, agency files, press coverage, law review articles, reported cases, etc.


A date format is used to permit the documents to fall into chronological order. The titles begin with the date of the document which is then followed by the abbreviated description of the document. The format is two digits for year, then two digits for month, followed by the letter “d”, followed by two digits for the day of the month. For example, 8201d12 Smith Stmt references the date format for January 12, 1982, and the abbreviated title of the document, the statement by consular officer Joyce Smith.


Please note additional numbers are added to the beginning of Key Documents.  See Key Document page for more information. 


Note to Researchers: Many of the documents in the archives bear a stamp at the bottom from the University of Oregon, Special Collections. Special Collections has a large collection of historical documents from a variety of sources relating to Rajneeshpuram. Any researcher seriously interested in the subject would be well served to take advantage of that resource.
Legal records and documents with the U of O stamp can be found at: Rajneesh Legal Services Corporation Records, Coll 260, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Oregon Libraries, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1299.


Click here to access the Archive documents.



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The “key documents” have been assigned an additional numerical reference, tracking from the first document identified in the first Chapter of Part 1, I, e.g., 1.1. For example, the Joyce Smith statement, identified in footnote 32 of Part 1, is the third identified key document in that Part, hence, it is entitled: 1.3 8201d12 Smith Stmt. 

Please note: The order of key docs below is slightly reordered from the order presented in the Book. At the top of the page are the folders referenced in the text. The docs themselves re-ordered so that 1.2 does not appear after 1.1. It appears after 1.19. Same, 1.3 appears after 1.29. Same move for 1.4 through 1.9. Sorry for inconvenience. 


Click here to access the Key Docs.


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